Buy Underfloor Heating & Heatmiser UH8 8 Zone 230v Underfloor Heating Wiring Centre Online

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Heatmiser UH8 8 Zone 230v Underfloor Heating Wiring Centre

Underfloor Heating Wiring Centre

Can Be Used With Any 230v Room Thermostat

Compatible With Almost All Types Of Boilers

Up To 8 Zones Can Be Controlled

230v Output

£69.50 ex vat
£83.40 inc vat
in stock

The Heatmiser UH8 underfloor heating wiring centre is designed to work with our 4-channel 230v time clock (TM4) and 230v Set back thermostat (DS-SB) but could equally be used with any 230v room thermostat. 

Up to 8 zones can be controlled from the UH8. On board the UH8 are two heating time channels, each zone allows you to specify which time channel it should follow. 2 additional time channel connections are provided for hot water control or other auxiliary devices. On-demand from any zone, a 230v output is provided to switch the relevant zone actuator, underfloor heating pump and valve. A volt-free connection is supplied for the boiler, making it compatible with almost all types of boilers.

A simple slide switch makes zone 8 suitable for controlling a radiator zone. When used for controlling radiators, zone 8 does not enable the underfloor heating pump, valve and boiler. Up to 4 actuators can be connected to each zone.

Number of Heating Zones: 8
Number of Hot Water Zones: 0
Neon Indication: Y
DIN Rail Mounting: Y
Supply: 230v AC 50Hz 1 Phase
Relay Load Max: 3 Amp Resistive
Total Load Max: 5 Amp Resistive
IP Protection: IP20
Installed Dimensions (L,H,D): 384 x 148 x 60mm
Weight: 850g